Filing Time
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Options: 3 Ways To File


This is the EASIEST and most convenient way to file your tax returns! All you have to do is watch the video below, then go to our E-Filing site to get registered, then file.

Getting Prepared

Checklist of Required Documents

Corporate Tax Filing

The Corporate Tax Return
Which Corporate Tax Return to Use?

Tax returns operate on a calendar year spanning from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 of the given year. Financial statements use the fiscal year indicated by the company. There are no universal dates establishing when a fiscal year begins and ends. It is at the discretion of the company. The rules regulating the reporting of information for the year are unique to each type of financial report. It is suggested that a certified accountant or accounting firm be hired to accurately report your financial statements. The due date for filing corporate tax returns falls upon completion of 3 months after the end of the entity's fiscal year.

Click below to download corporate tax return forms. In order to use the interactive return forms you must:

    1. right-click and "save link as" to a folder
    2. then go to that folder and open directly from that folder.

After Filing

Late Filing, Penalties & Interests
Late Filing

Unless you are given permission by the Comptroller via submitting a request for an Extension of Time, once you have filed or submitted your tax return after the deadline of March 31st, you will be charged a late filing penalty of 5% of the chargeable income calculated on the tax return form.

Penalties & Interest

If upon filing your tax return, you end up liable to the IRD for income tax and you do not pay the tax owed, or you did not comply with all your tax obligations, you will have to pay a 10% payment penalty on the outstanding amount, along with 1.04% interest charges for each month after the deadline (March 31st).


Printable Forms & Guides
